The Cause

After thorough research, heated debates, conversations with friends, and careful consideration, we have decided that all of the money we collect from this event and from the silent auction will go to a nonprofit organization called Partners in Health. In addition to coming highly recommended from friends, this organization fit all of the criteria we hoped to fill in our search for the best place to send the money. Our criteria included the following:

1) Accredited: All of their financial information is available online for those who want to see the evidence themselves, but in summary, recent 990s suggest that Partners in Health spends very little on overhead costs. In addition, Partners in Health is co-founded by Paul Farmer, who is not only a global health expert (for more, see Tracy Kidder's book based on Farmer's work, Mountains Beyond Mountains), but also happens to hold the title of UN Deputy Special Envoy to Haiti.

2) Pre-established in Haiti before the quake: Partners in Health has been working in Haiti for over 20 years, already has close ties to the community, and understands their needs.

3) Working with the community to tackle both short and long-term issues: The Partners in Health model addresses both the immediate needs of the people in Haiti (access to health care, etc.) and the more global infrastructure problems (health education, sanitation, poverty, etc.). In other words, this is an organization that cares about sustained welfare in Haiti by alleviating the root causes of diseases, as well as providing immediate care.

From their website: "While nongovernmental organizations have a valuable role to play in developing new approaches to treating disease, successful models must be implemented and expanded through the public sector to assure universal and sustained access. Rather than establish parallel systems, PIH works to strengthen and complement existing public health infrastructure."