Friday, February 26, 2010

Donations Starting to Pour In! (Literally!)

We are overwhelmed with everyone's generosity - it is truly refreshing to have so much support for this event, so thanks all! Knox Barrels will be providing delicious wine for the March 6 event (plus a couple of great auction items! Taste at the bar, bid at the auction ...), and Semifreddi's bakery will be providing fresh bread to go along with our bubbling hot baked ziti. Yummmmmm...

Be sure to keep checking up on our ever-growing list of silent auction items. Prices range from $15 upwards, so there's a little something for everyone. Get something for yourself or for friends and family! (It will make the gift just that much more awesome to be able to say that the money went to a great cause).

Remember: If you can't make it to the event, you can sponsor a friend/family member to go instead and/or call/email us (, to put in a bid on an item at the auction and/or donate an item!

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