Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Stand With Haiti

Hi all! Welcome to the San Francisco Haiti Relief Fundraiser Blog.

In a effort to raise funds for Haitian Earthquake victims, we're throwing a fundraiser dinner on March 6 in San Francisco and an ongoing silent auction in an effort to raise our goal of $5,000 that we will donate to Partners in Health. To read more about how we chose this organization, what they are doing in Haiti, and why we think their efforts are more than worthy, check out the Cause page on this blog.

Save the date for March 6 to come join us on for an afternoon of live music, food, a silent auction, and much more. More on the event to come!

If you can't make the event we have options for you to be able to give online, or through the mail.

Please Contact Anna McCarthy or Joseph Schell if you have any questions.

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